页面代码如下 有一些多余的样式后面有空再修改

                    "path" : "goods_cash/goods_cash",
                    "style": {
                        "disableScroll": true,
                        "navigationStyle": "custom",
                        "navigationBarTitleText": "0元购",
                            // #ifdef MP
                             "navigationBarTextStyle": "white",
                            // "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#e93323"
                            // #endif
                        "app-plus": {
                            // #ifdef APP-PLUS
                            "titleNView": {
                                "type": "default"
                            // #endif
<!-- 限时秒杀活动 -->
    <div :style="colorStyle">
        <view class='flash-sale'>
            <view class="bugu-header" :style="{ height: 'calc(' + safeAreaHeight + 'px + 440rpx)' }">
                <view class="bugu-bg" :style="{ height: 'calc(' + safeAreaHeight + 'px + 440rpx)' }">
                    <!--                    <image  src="/static/images/skill-header.png"></image>-->
                <view class="holder" :style="{ height: safeAreaHeight + 'px' }"></view>
                <view class="nav-bar">
                    <view class="left" @tap="back">
                        <text class="iconfont icon-xiangzuo"></text>
                        <image src="https://cdn.bugubugu.info/static/app/skill-nav-title.png"></image>
                    <!--                    <view class="right">每日10:00开启限时秒杀</view>-->
                <view class='header' v-if="timeList.length > 0">
                    <image v-if="timeList[active].slide" :src='timeList[active].slide'></image>
                    <image v-else src='https://cdn.bugubugu.info/attach/2023/08/79254202308151141059685.jpg'></image>
        <view class='noCommodity' v-if="seckillList.length == 0 && (page != 1 || active == 0)">
            <view class='emptyBox'>
                <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/no-thing.png'"></image>
                <view class="tips">{{ $t(`暂无商品,去看点别的吧`) }}</view>
        <!-- #ifndef MP -->
        <!-- #endif -->

const safeAreaHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().safeArea.top

import {
} from '../../../api/activity.js';
import home from '@/components/home/index.vue'
import colors from '@/mixins/color.js'
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
    components: {
    mixins: [colors],
    data() {
        return {
            imgHost: HTTP_REQUEST_URL,
            topImage: '',
            seckillList: [],
            timeList: [],
            active: 5,
            scrollLeft: 0,
            interval: 0,
            status: 1,
            countDownHour: "00",
            countDownMinute: "00",
            countDownSecond: "00",
            page: 1,
            limit: 8,
            loading: false,
            loadend: false,
            pageloading: false,
            intoindex: ''
    onLoad() {
     * 用户点击右上角分享
    // #ifdef MP
    onShareAppMessage: function () {
        let that = this;
        // that.$set(that, "actionSheetHidden", !that.actionSheetHidden);
        // userShare();
        // 2023年10月18日09:59:10 原版的分享图片
        let imageUrl = that.timeList[that.active] ? that.timeList[that.active].slide : "https://cdn.bugubugu.info/attach/2023/08/79254202308151141059685.jpg";
        // let imageUrl = "https://cdn.bugubugu.info/attach/2023/10/3372a202310181013049623.png";
        return {
            title: '限时秒杀' || "",
            path: "/pages/activity/goods_seckill/index?spid=" + that.uid,
    onShareTimeline() {
        let that = this;
        // userShare();
        return {
            title: '限时秒杀' || "",
            query: {
                spid: that.uid || 0,
            // 2023年10月18日09:59:10 原版的分享图片
            imageUrl: that.timeList[that.active].slide || "https://cdn.bugubugu.info/attach/2023/08/098c503dac9ed63f40e00239670f97a.jpg",
            // imageUrl:  "https://cdn.bugubugu.info/attach/2023/10/3372a202310181013049623.png",
    // #endif
    methods: {
        back() {
                fail() {
                        url: '/pages/index/index'
        getSeckillConfig: function () {
            let that = this;
            getSeckillIndexTime().then(res => {
                that.topImage = res.data.lovely;
                that.timeList = res.data.seckillTime;
                that.active = res.data.seckillTimeIndex;
                that.$nextTick(() => {
                    that.intoindex = 'sort' + res.data.seckillTimeIndex
                if (that.timeList.length) {
                    // wxh.time(that.data.timeList[that.data.active].stop, that);
                    that.scrollLeft = (that.active - 1.37) * 100
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        that.loading = true
                    }, 2000);
                    that.seckillList = [],
                        that.page = 1
                    that.status = that.timeList[that.active].status
        getSeckillList: function () {
            var that = this;
            var data = {
                page: that.page,
                limit: that.limit
            if (that.loadend) return;
            if (that.pageloading) return;
            this.pageloading = true
            getSeckillList(that.timeList[that.active].id, data).then(res => {
                var seckillList = res.data;
                var loadend = seckillList.length < that.limit;
                that.seckillList = that.seckillList.concat(seckillList),
                    that.page = that.page;
                that.pageloading = false;
                that.loadend = loadend;
            }).catch(err => {
                that.pageloading = false
        settimeList: function (item, index) {
            var that = this;
            this.active = index
            if (that.interval) {
                that.interval = null
            that.interval = 0,
                that.countDownHour = "00";
            that.countDownMinute = "00";
            that.countDownSecond = "00";
            that.status = that.timeList[that.active].status;
            that.loadend = false;
            that.page = 1;
            that.seckillList = [];
            // wxh.time(e.currentTarget.dataset.stop, that);
        goDetails(item) {
                url: '/pages/activity/goods_seckill_details/index?id=' + item.id
     * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
    onReachBottom: function () {

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Last modification:October 28, 2023